Transmission & Distribution Mcqs

MCQ: Which of the following is not a constituent for making porcelain insulators ?

  1. Quartz
  2. Kaolin
  3. Felspar
  4. Silica

Releted Questions

Transmission & Distribution Mcqs

MCQ: Which of the following relays is used on long transmission lines?

  1. Impedance relay
  2. Mho’s relay
  3. Reactance relay
  4. None of the above


MCQ: The steel used in steel cored conductors is usually__________?

  1. alloy steel
  2. stainless steel
  3. mild steel
  4. high speed steel
  5. all of the above


MCQ: Which of the following distribution systems is more reliable?

  1. Radial system
  2. Tree system
  3. Ring main system
  4. All are equally reliable


MCQ: Which of the following characteristics should the line supports for transmission lines possess?

  1. Low cost
  2. High mechanical strength
  3. Longer life
  4. All of the above


MCQ: Transmission voltage of 11 kV is normally used for distances up to_____km?

  1. 20—25 km
  2. 40—50 km
  3. 60—70 km
  4. 80—100 km


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers