The External Debt & Financial Crises Mcqs

MCQ: Which of the following country was not a major LDC debtor in 2001 ?

  1. Brazil
  2. Argentina
  3. Thailand
  4. Malaysia

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The External Debt & Financial Crises Mcqs

MCQ: A country’s total external debt (EDT) includes ?
I. short term debt with a maturity of one year or less
II. long-term debt with a maturity of more than one year
III. repurchase obligations to the IMF
IV. IV public official development assistance

  1. I and II only
  2. III and IV only
  3. I, II and III only
  4. I, II and IV only


MCQ: Which of the following country did not experience large capital flights from 1976 to 1984 ?

  1. Argentina
  2. Venezuela
  3. Mexico
  4. Canada


MCQ: Which of the following country did Not suffer from increased poverty from debt and financial crises in the 1990s ?

  1. Singapore (1994)
  2. Mexico (1994)
  3. Russia (1998)
  4. Brazil (1998)


MCQ: Net transfers are______________?

  1. investment loans, and grants from overseas minus international resource outflows
  2. net international resource flows minus net international interest payments and profit remittances
  3. international resource outflows minus international balance of payments and profit remittances
  4. foreign direct investment inflow minus investment loans and grants from overseas


MCQ: Which of the following factors potentially increased the vulnerability to the 1997 Asian financial and currency crisis ?

  1. trade account surplus
  2. massive reverse outflows of capital
  3. technological transfer from DCs
  4. Symmetric informational in financial market


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers