The Meaning & Measurement of Economic Development Mcqs

MCQ: Which of the following are low income countries income country ?

  1. Canada
  2. United States
  3. Mexico
  4. Australia

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The Meaning & Measurement of Economic Development Mcqs

MCQ: Lespeyres type indexes use weights from_____________?

  1. current period
  2. base-period
  3. forecasting
  4. future year


MCQ: Tuvalu is composed of 9 coral atolls along a 360-mile chain in Polynesia They gained independence in 1978 The former Ellice Island are home to 9,700 people if GNP of Tuvalu is $300 million in 2005 GNP per capital is ?

  1. 9700 (1978 / 2005)
  2. 300 / 360
  3. 300 000 000 / 9700
  4. 32.333


MCQ: IF GNP per capita at constant prices for Liechtenstein a microstate of 29,000 people located on the Rhine River between Switzerland and Austri is US$555 and US$560 in 2011 and 2012 respectively, the real economic growth from 2011 to 2012 is ?

  1. 5%
  2. 0.901%
  3. 0.090%
  4. 0.991%


MCQ: All of the following are high income countries except ?

  1. Singapore
  2. U.K
  3. Japan
  4. South Africa


MCQ: Economic development refers to ?

  1. economic growth
  2. economic growth plus changes in (c) output distribution and economic structure
  3. improvement in the well-being of the urban population
  4. sustainable increase in Gross National Product


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers