Supply-Side Policies & Sources of Comparative Advantage Mcqs

MCQ: The success of regional and urban policies has been limited by ?

  1. bureaucracy
  2. bad luck
  3. poor communications
  4. the low level of government grants and by the fact that some projects would have gone ahead anyway

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Supply-Side Policies & Sources of Comparative Advantage Mcqs

MCQ: The Heckscher-Ohlin theory explains comparative advantage as the result of differences in countries ?

  1. Economies of large-scale production
  2. Relative abundance of various resources
  3. Relative costs of labor
  4. Research and development expenditures


MCQ: Boeing aircraft company was able to over its production costs of the first – jumbo jetll in the seventies because Boeing could market it to several foreign airlines in addition to domestic airlines. This illustrates ?

  1. How economies of scale make possible a larger variety of products in international trade
  2. A transfer of wealth from domestic consumer to domestic producer as the result of trade
  3. How a natural monopoly is forced to behave more competitively with international trade
  4. How a natural monopoly is forced to behave less competitively with international trade


MCQ: The theory of overlapping demand predicts that trade in manufactured goods is unimportant for countries with very different ?

  1. Tastes and preferences
  2. Expectations of future interest rate levels
  3. Per-capita income levels
  4. Labor productivities


MCQ: According to the factor endowment model of Heckscher and Ohlin, countries heavily endowed with land will ?

  1. Devote excessive amounts of resources to agricultural production
  2. Devote insufficient amounts of resources to agricultural production
  3. Export products that are land-intensive
  4. Import products that are land-intensive


MCQ: According to the trade theory of Staffan Linder trade tends to be most pronounced in manufactured goods when trading countries have ?

  1. similar endowments of natural resources
  2. similar levels of technology
  3. similar per-capita incomes
  4. similar wage levels


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers